Tucker George

As an experienced software engineer I have a deep technical understanding of building SaaS, but that's just half the battle.

After building dozens of software products myself, I realized that a great engineer does equal a great product. So I set off on a journey to figure out what makes a product successful.

After spending 1000s of hours studying the most successful software startups to-date and attending countless Sandford and Harvard lectures taught by these founders, I have extensive knowledge about what goes into building great products.

"I have a passion for helping people build successful software products. Taking start up founders from idea to MVP as quickly as possible."

About Tucker

Tucker grew up in the suburbs of Kansas City. Throughout his adolescence he was involved in sports, cub scouts, volunteer work and music. In 2016 he joined the United Stated Marine Corps after his father. While he was performing his military duties, he was working on a double major in accounting & finance. After graduating in 2020 he realized that he had no passion for finance and did not enjoy corporate life. From 2020-2021 he attempted multiple different businesses: Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, Real Estate, nothing stuck. After 1 year of failed endeavors he packed his things and moved across the country to Scottsdale, AZ.  
In 2021 he wrote his first line of code. "Console.log("Hello World")". Spending 8 hours/day teaching himself to program he quickly built more and more complex projects. Within 2 years of self taught programming he found himself working at a very well known blockchain company in the industry. In 2022 he was approached by WGMI LABS to lead their product development. Today, Tucker has led and facilitated dozens of client software projects and has taught 1000s of software founders how to go from ideation to growing and scaling their software products.        

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