
Brett Malinowski

While my main passion is in content creation, I had always wanted to have a software company. But like you, I had no idea where to start.

For me it was a daunting task, I had no idea where to even begin...After countless mistakes and plenty of failures, I had acquired all of the tools to finally be successful in software. After going through this painful process myself, I wanted to come up with a way that would make it easier for someone like me, who was just getting started, to build software.

That is why I created WGMI LABS. A software company specifically design to help non-technical entrepreneurs not only build software, but teach them everything that goes into creating a successful software company. By doing this, my hope was that you don't have to make the same mistakes as me, and travel a much shorter road to success.

"I consider myself a servant leader, one who is driven by integrity, accountability and innovation."

About Brett Malinowski

I am a personal brand coach with 8 years of experience creating content. In the last 2.5 years I have gained over 400,000 subscribers on YouTube and generated $5,000,000+ directly through my channel. Now I teach other entrepreneurs how to do the same. Having struggled to build software myself, I wanted to show other non-technical entrepreneurs just how easy and accessible it can be.
I consider myself a servant leader, one who is driven by integrity, accountability and innovation. I am a team player at my core, one who thrives in collaborative and imaginative work environments. With this I have had success running a creative marketing agency which has focused on brand positioning and sales funnels. I’ve also had success in ad creation, media buying and optimizing conversations via data driven testing.

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